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Address & Hours
6105 Beverly Hill St.
Suite 201
Houston, TX   77057

Local:  (713) 783-2836
Fax:    (713) 782-2644 

Monday - Friday 
8:30 am - 5:30 pm 
8:30 - 5:30  Mon-Fri
Veterinary Applications
Pharmacists Helping Vets and Pets

Compounding allows veterinarians to broaden their prescribing abilities and to offer [dosage] forms that are patient-specific in strength and formulation. Therefore, the goal of compounding for the veterinary patient is to enhance the veterinarian’s ability to treat patients in a more effective and efficient manner.

Compounding can make medicating animals easier if the pharmacist prepares flavored chews that animals accept readily. Furthermore, the amount of medication incorporated into the chews, capsules, [topical or transdermal], or liquid preparations can be formulated to the specific request of the veterinarian, thereby eliminating the need to cut-up tablets and divide the contents of commercially prepared capsules... As manufacturers decide that certain products are no longer economically rewarding to market, the list of commercially prepared veterinary medication becomes smaller. At the present, the variety of medications available for animals is less than perfect. Cherry-flavored amoxicillin or orange-flavored cephalexin may not be appealing to cats or dogs.

Compounding Pharmacy Solutions               
6105 Beverly Hill Street   Suite 201   Houston, TX  77057
(713) 783-2836
Fax:  (713) 782-2644 
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